The Kitchen at Goodwood

We love fruitcakes!


Phooey on you people who don't like fruitcakes!  I love them and make them all the year 'round.

Here is a little pictorial...

First, find some candied fruit on super sale AFTER Christmas...


You must line your cake pans with brown paper before you start  It's a must, really.  It makes keeps the cake from overcooking on the sides and it makes it so you can get those guys out of the pan!  I use grocery store bags; cut to size, butter up and you are ready to go...

Rectangular pans are traditional but...


Tube pans are also fun.  It's all a question of deconstructing the shapes of the pan.


Ready to fill!


Now, make the cake itself.........

I do the fruit mixture first, then macerate it in liquor overnight.

Read your recipe!  I love my little fruitcake book...


An assistant is a good idea!  This is pretty labor intensive.


Use your hands!




Close up of the delicious goodness!

Now, add the nuts:

No, not Dan!  Real nuts! 


Add the liquor, I mix and match...  Whew!  Fumes!

I just found that Hobart mixer at Goodwill!  Good score!


Mmmmmmacerate overnight! (in an airtight container, obviously)


Now it's time to make the batter.  It's basically a pound cake base.


Whipping egg whites


Throw it all together and mix lightly...

(Note the home made vanilla in foreground.)



Chef's prerogative!  (taste everything!)



I love these pans.  I got them in a restaurant supply house.  They have a good square shape.

Anyway, fill them up.  Leave 1/4" for expansion.



Fill, fill fill.



Pound the pans on the table to eliminate air pockets, then flatten the tops.



Patty cake, Patty cake, baker's man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Roll it and pat it
and mark it with B 
and put it in the oven for baby and me. 


Fill that oven up... it's a 3 to 4 hour bake, so use that electricity wisely.



Fruitcake TV!  It's a thrilling saga full of sweetness and spice!



Dark fruitcake...


White fruitcake...


Trying a new rum this year....  I'll let you know next year how it worked.


Wrapped in plastic freezer bags, then in foil, then bound in plastic packing tape.  Ready for a year in the basement.


I just LOVE to make and eat fruitcake!!!


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