Goodwood House
Standard Smooth Dachshunds

Vela X Huti  breeding:

Week 1

Soooo cute!  They are gaining weight just like they ought...

Weight Pink Yellow Green Red Spot Boy
Birth 10.50 8.75 7.5 9 9.75 10.25
July 10 11.75 9.5 8.25 10 11 12
July11 13.25 11.5 9.25 11 12.5 13.25
July 12 14.75 12.75 10.25 12.75 13.75 14.75
July 13 16.5 14.25 11 14.5 16.25 16.5
July 14 17.5 14.5 11.75 17 17.5 18.25
July 15 19.5 15.75 13.75 16.75 19.5 18.75

They are a quiet litter too... lots of nursing and sleeping.

Vela is a nursing / cleaning machine!  She is a natural born mother.

Day 3 (July 11): they started their stress exercises today.

Vela gets wormed with Panacur for 3 days.

All is going smoothly!


Puppies get their nails done for the 1st time.
Vela's nipples say "Thank You!!"


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