Goodwood Dachshunds

Pixie / Kansas Litter Weekly Update Page

Week 6 and a half...  outside romp


Where our humans decide it would be fun to introduce us to rat smell... What are they thinking???


A beautiful windy day outside!  The laundry dries while the pups chase leaves.....


We get pretty frisky out here!


Of course SOME of use like to pretend we are SO pathetic!


OK, so we fell for it... Here they are with Claire playing Pied Piper...


And Dan being a big puppy mountain... We are all suckers for these guys...


Well... since we are out here... let's train them in the tunnels...


Beige and Yellow are cautiously checking it out...


Beige and Green find some rat bedding!  They go WILD!!


Playing at the exit...


We're in!


After all is said and done, we are going back in, via the ramp..   Pink trains for about 1/2 way, then decides she'd rather be carried.  Great, another princess!


More adventures soon!


Pixie/Kansas Litter Weekly Pictorial

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